上海列举网 > 商务服务 > 物流/货运 > 新鲜红樱桃车厘子进口流程


更新时间:2020-12-31 18:08:10 浏览次数:61次
区域: 上海 > 上海周边
货物品名:新鲜红樱桃Commodity name: Fresh red cherries
运输方式:空运Mode of transportation: air freight
货物信息:Santina桑缇娜,新鲜红樱桃2400kg,从智利圣地亚哥到上海浦东机场From Santiago, Chile to Shanghai Pudong Airport
Service requirements: importing Chilean cherries, signing foreign trade contracts, paying foreign exchange, customs clearance,
17号国外才把资料发送过来,但交到我司审核时发现运单,产地证和植检证,三个证件上的净重毛重全部不一致。1. The customer imports Chilean cherries, air transportation, early-stage communication with foreign countries and foreign exchange payment issues. The goods will be shipped on December 16.
The information was sent from abroad on the 17th, but when it was submitted to our company for review, it was found that the net weight and the gross weight on the three documents were all inconsistent
After the discovery, I communicated with the customer, and communicated with the foreign country by email. The result is that the foreign country sent a few less goods, and the value of the goods changed and the weight also changed. Because the customer entrusted our company to help him pay the foreign exchange, we assisted the customer to communicate with foreign countries. , Re-modify the contract, re-issue the certificate of origin and phytosanitary certificate
The changed information such as the No. 20 phytosanitary certificate of origin was sent to our mailbox. The day was Sunday, and I quickly reviewed the information for him, sorted out the declaration elements, and confirmed that there was no problem.

Arrived at Pudong Airport at 10 am on the 21st, and declared in the morning. During the declaration process, the problem of determining the grade and size of the cherries. The tax came out at 6:50 pm. It has already arrived at our company's off-hours, but because of the seasonal cherries, one a day Price, in order to let the customer get the goods early, please work overtime for the operation and finance. When the tax comes out, at 7 o’clock in the evening, the tax comes out, and the customer’s financial side is also off work. The Secretary first advanced the tax, and I applied to the company for the advance. The tax payment was completed at 7:15 and it was released smoothly.
五、22号客户机场提货,Customer 22 pick up at the airport
注:本公司真实案例,请勿抄袭Note: real cases of our company, please do not copy

If you need to import Chilean cherries, blueberries, kiwis and other fruits, welcome to consult
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