国际采购通International Sourcing Services
产品介绍 Services
为国内外客户采购指定品牌、规格、型号的国外原材料、机械设备及零部件等产品并提供WMI 服务。
To provide international purchasing and VMI services for customers at home and abroad, product range covers raw materials, machinery and equipment and spare parts, etc. of which brands, specifications and item numbers need to be specified.
1. 覆盖区域广:亚东盛在美国、日本、德国、澳大利亚等三十几个国家和地区设有分支机构或海外代理
Wide Service Network: ADP has subsidiaries and overseas agents in more than 30 countries and districts, such as USA, Japan, Germany and Australia, etc.
2. 采购团队专业:专业的外籍雇员进行采购,避免文化差异和沟通障碍
Professional Sourcing Team: all sourcing operations are conducted by ADP local foreign employees, which effectively avoids culture differences and communication barriers.
3. 建立安全库存并进行库存融资
To build safety inventory and provide inventory financing service